Adding School Calendar to Outlook How to add the MSP for your school into Outlook Desktop App Within the Outlook desktop app open the calendar app – Located in the bottom right of the Outlook desktop app. Across the top ribbon under the manage calendar section – Click on “Add Calendar” and select “From Internet” Copy and Paste the relevant feed (As below) into the box and click “OK” Click on Yes Click on Yes to add the internet calendar The Calendar will then appear under “Other Calendars” on the left hand side. Web Calendar Feed Options All SES Events - webcal:// feed?params=312E33FD2A4E23D9AFC0DD9B76AFB7A1&t=1606988980117&id=WyJZN3Q4dlB6YUQycGpQV WY5MUxBOUhzWVB2VmFGelc5RkpUL1dyTUFubFFjPSJd SES, SHS and 6th Form - webcal:// WY5MUxBOUhzWVB2VmFGelc5RkpUL1dyTUFubFFjPSJd SES, SS and 6th Form - webcal:// Y5MUxBOUhzWVB2VmFGelc5RkpUL1dyTUFubFFjPSJd SES and SJS - webcal:// Y5MUxBOUhzWVB2VmFGelc5RkpUL1dyTUFubFFjPSJd