Re-Enrolling Staff iPads into Intune
Follow these steps if the device is already in Intune and you need to reset it.
- Remove the old device from Intune
- Make sure the device is in the correct enrollment "iPad Enrollment Profile SJS Staff" (changed at intune Devices > iOS/iPadOS > iOS/iPadOS enrollment >Enrollment Program Tokens > SES Intune > Devices)
- Wait until the device has been deleted
- Prepare the device through Apple Configurator
- Manual Configuration
- Add to Apple School Manager or Business Manager
- Supervise Devices
- Allow Devies to pair with other computer
Enable Shared iPad
- Staff iPad
- Stamford School
- Only "Location Services" ticket
- Log into the device (Company Portal app) with the users' account
- Add the device to the correct group (SJS Staff iPads Dec 2021)
- Log into iCloud with the users' account
- Setup emails in Outlook app
- Turn on photo sync to OneDrive
- Go into settings, camera, compatibility -
- Go into OneDrive settings, turn on camera sync
- Enter code into iSAMS app - SFEM
- Enter license into Senso app